
Ten Core Beliefs of Humanists

  1. Humanists believe that the human species has evolved as – and remains as – a part of nature.
  2. Human consciousness is a function of the activity of the human brain.
  3. Human beings require (to some extent) a system of belief in order to function.
  4. Humanists believe that in all its forms the supernatural is a myth.
  5. The human species is capable of achieving a great deal using its resources of collaboration and creativity.  The results of these endeavours often benefit our species and planet, but we are also capable of using the same abilities in acts of destruction and cruelty.
  6. Humanists do not believe that the range of human behaviour has been pre-ordained, or that the rules of human conduct have been set by any deity of external intelligence.
  7. Humanists believe that individuals who are aware of the consequences of their actions on other individuals, on the community and on the species are likely to behave in a more considerate, more reasonable and more ethical way.
  8. Humanists believe that equality of opportunity is a fundamental principle on which humankind can base its behaviour.
  9. Humanists believe that human life on earth is relatively fragile and requires care and attention to continue.
  10. Humankind’s destiny is not predetermined or preordained – much of it lies on our own control.

For more information on humanism,

visit: American Humanist Association